

I’ve already known about some biases before this class, I’ve also read a book on biases called “Die Kunst des klaren Denkens”. But to be honest, I haven’t thought about biases in design. This class made me more aware of gender biases. I never knew, that busses where designed for men to drive them. Seing how some things are designed with men being the main “client”, instead of taking into account, that there’s other people on the planet besides able bodied men, made me a bit angry. Even though women have never had so many possibilities like nowadays, we shouldn’t forget, that what women have now, men have always had. In the future, I want to check myself more on biases that I have, and how I could change them. I’m curious to learn about more biases, especially in design, because I’m interested in data biases, and want to explore, how different kinds of data usages influence our day to day life and interaction design as well.

Also something that I wasnt aware of, is that modern day inventions are based on science fiction. I should probably watch more science fiction movies/series. Luckily, I chose a theory class for this semester, in which we are going to review science fiction movies.