In this lesson, we talked about prototypes. Cyril and Stepan presented this topic very nicely and their workshop was very enganging for us. I enjoyed the mix between games, theory and discussion
For the exercise, we were supposed to use some kind of image generating AI to prototype. Personalyl, I’m not sure wether I like to work with AI or not. It’s useful in a lot of cases actually, but I haven’t gotten used to prototype with AI. It’s a good thing to at least try working with AI and in some cases it saves a lot of time. But often times I find myself questioning the ethics of AI. I also feel like there might be a potential of unlearning certain skills, when AI is used to replace these skills. When is it good to use AI and when is it harmful?
I am a bit wary if it comes to working with AI, because I want to learn. I want to better my skills and don’t want to relate too much on AI for jumping over the step of actually having to put in some effort myself. But if it comes to finding inspiration of some sort, I find AI to be quite benefitial. I have to add, that a certain temptation to use AI is here, because it does save a lot of time and work.