How do you build or invent a new instrument? I have never really thought about this, until I read this text. I can’t really imagine, what a new instrument would sound like. I like the idea of constructing an own instrument as means to be closer to music and to embody it in oneself. I find this experimental approach of finding new ways to make music or to generate different sounds to be very enriching, because one can never now, in what ways it could add to the music industry or maybe even revoltionize it. But I can understand why it’s hard to approach music in this way and for this approach to find it’s way to society. The reasons for it could be closemindedness, lazyness, lack of curiosity, people only focussing on profit instead of experiences or new values, that could be added to one’s life. There are all kinds of reasons, why experimental and new things like these don’t catch on outside of the scenes. I think one of the main reasons for this is, that people like convenience and comfort and prefer to use the tools they already know. Most people just don’t like change and prefer security or just really don’t have the time, flexibility or means to engange in new things or experiences.
I am someone that used to go on festivals and really enjoy it, but after some time the experiences just felt the same and not so versatile. The lines from the text that stuck with me were these ones:
I would actually really appreciate concerts and performances, that you never really know what you get from. New music is composed on stage and new experiences emerge. Let go of the control while performing and see where the instrumen and your feelings get you.
In terms of funding, I’ve been feeling like this for a while now, which I find very sad. Freedom of expression in arts and other areas of one’s life is just as important as everything else. Not funding art or music is detrimental for our society, because art and music add so much value to our lives.
In this text it says, that a prototype in interaction design is a simultation of on-screen apperanace and behavior. On-screen might be true for user interfaces, but in my opinion, this phrasing excludes all the other aspects of interaction design. It makes sense though, that the interpretation of prototypes differs, depending on which field you work in.
artifact → interactive system being designed
prototype → any representation of an idea, regardless of medium
These are the most important things that I have gathered from this text: