The method of storytelling is shown through the example of the Iso-phone. The Iso-phone is basically an alternative version of a telephone, your senses are deprived, so you can concentrate better on the phone call and the other person’s voice, instead of getting distracted. The prototype was demonstrated, so that it can appeal to a bigger audience. I think it’s quite a good approach to make people rething of their usage of a telephone and it makes them think of alternative versions of how a phone could have otherwise been built. This subject is interesting to me, because I’ve been asking this myself about a lot of other things/products.
These are some of the most memorble notes I took from the text:
Alternative presents → reconfiguration of existing objects, example iso phone (Auger-Loizeau, 2003)
I have gotten a bit of a deeper understanding of what storytelling is supposed to do, from this article. Since humans seem to process information in the form of stories, it makes sense to me to use storytelling as a method to present ideas. While reading this text, I noticed, that we have applied a lot of things mentioned in the interaction design modules. For example, we let us get inspired from organic and natural processes to generate ideas.
Exploratory play → design play to construct ideas in a fun and effective way, stories as mental models, using necessitiey shown in stories to imply the importance of the invention of shown designs in story, when story is told, listeners must make sense of the information given by the story
Filtering → proposed stories serve as models, using stories as a means to rule out unsuitable ideas, an idea is not ready for developpement if the listeners don’t connect to the story
Future-thinking-applications → designers need to consider contexts and goals of the stories